Maksim Grinberg

If you have seen the news in the last few weeks, chances are you have seen something about the humanitarian crisis on Rikers Island. This is not a new crisis, but one that has only started to have a light cast on it with media coverage. Humanitarian and former Rikers Island inmate Maksim Grinberg lived what people, including American lawyer and politician serving as the 57th and current governor of New York Governor Kathleen Courtney Hochul, are calling “hell on earth” and New York’s most important humanitarian crisis.

“This is a crisis that has needed coverage for quite some time,” Maksim Grinberg said. “I’m glad that so many have seen firsthand, the way I have, what goes on there. Governor Hochul likened it to hell on earth, and I have to agree.” Maksim Grinberg went on to address the humanitarian crisis on Rikers Island by calling for the immediate closing of the overcrowded city jail.